Course Curriculum

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    Course Information

    • Course Length

    • Audio Warning

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    Raising and Emotionally Intelligent Child

    • How To Raise An Emotionally Intelligent Child

    • The Four Parenting Styles

    • Five Steps To Emotion Coaching

    • Barriers To Emotion Coaching

    • When NOT To Use Emotion Coaching

    • Five Steps To Problem Solving

About the instructor

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Julia Park

Julia is a licensed psychotherapist in California and Alabama. Her specialties include Individual & Couple/Relational Issues, Pre-Marital & Marital Enrichment; Family of Origin Issues, and life transitions. Julia begins the therapy process by meeting the person where they are at and places emphasis on understanding, warmth, acceptance, and growth. It is Julia’s desire to see growth and facilitate integration of her client’s relationship with God, self, and their significant relationships.